Business Marketing Association (BMA) of Chicago is collaborating with Integrated Growth Solutions, LLC to bring BMA members the most current thinking and trends in marketing and customer engagement by conducting a survey about the role of the Chief Customer Officer (CCO) that some organizations are establishing to lead and champion the needs and desires of customers throughout organizations.
The scope and span of control of this role varies at this point in time. Since it is a new role in the digital enterprise of the future, the CCO responsibilities are not yet well defined, and the few organizations that have established the role have differences in how they have implemented it.
Integrated Growth Solutions, LLC., in conjunction with BMA, is conducting this survey to determine the current level of awareness and commitment to the CCO position and the future intent for implementing this role. The survey will identify the level of responsibility and accountability for customer and financial success assigned to the CCO and determine how serious companies are in changing cultures to be truly customer passionate and making customers the center of their business.
Survey responses will be aggregated and analyzed across a number of factors including, for example, industry sector, geographic location, size of company.
Findings will be published for members. Additional forums will be available to discuss the survey and the future role of the Chief Customer Officer as viewed by members and industry at large.